Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Am I back in Colorado?

A lot of people ask me why I chose Mendoza over other options to study abroad, and one of the main reasons is because it is similar to my hometown in Colorado. Denver and Mendoza are both dry, near the mountains, and full of great outdoorsy people and activities to do in the summer and winter. But lately I've felt like I'm back in Colorado because of the similar weather patterns between Colorado and Mendoza. The most cliche way to describe Colorado weather is 90 degrees on Monday and a blizzard on Tuesday. And lately this is how Mendoza is acting! I don't know how to dress for the day because its beautiful in the mornings, and then freezing by 3 o'clock and maybe even starting to rain! It snowed here 3 weeks ago, then the temperatures got up to the 80's, apparently it snowed again on the first day of Spring, its hot now, and apparently it's going to be cold again this weekend. I'm going to blame it on the Zonda.

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