Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Slumber Party!

    On Thursday night, a friend in my program, Jeanette, invited a bunch of us over to her house for the night because her host parents had left for the weekend to Buenos Aires, and she felt uncomfortable staying alone in the house. I don't blame her. I don't even like staying alone in my house in the states, I would be really scared here alone at night. Jeanette is the only one in our program who lives in father away from the city in a gated community closer to the mountains. Its called Dalvian and has very strict security and within the neighborhood, its easy to forget that you are still in Mendoza, because it easily resembles a rich neighborhood in California. The houses are very modern, with huge driveways and fountains out front. When a group of us arrived by bus, we had to present identification  with our passport numbers to the guard to enter. Jeanette also had to provide a list of all of our names. So when she forgot a couple of us, we had to wait a while to get approval before entering.
Entrance into Dalvian
     At Jeanette's house, it was fun to have a traditional American teenagers night of fun for a change, instead of going to the bars and boliches. We were all excited to not have to take cabs home at the end of the night, and spent most of our night eating junk food, more home made peanut butter (we are getting desperate) and listening to music we haven't heard in a while. Everyone passed out on the floors around 4 am, and Jeanette's host family's cat slept on my bed all night, making me miss my kitty at home. Jeanette also had a dog at her house that was identical to the dog at Megan's house that I put up a picture of in another post. It was wearing a sweater all night, too.
     In the morning we went to the grocery store right outside the neighborhood and bought food to make  the most delicious breakfast I've had in a while. The Argentinians like their eggs hard boiled and within other dishes for lunch and dinner, but never for breakfast. So when we made scrambled eggs with avocado, cheese, tomato, onion, and toast, everyone was in heaven. The neighborhood was very close to the Cerro Arco home I've mentioned before, so that afternoon we hiked that again, which was a great way to burn off all the junk food and wine we drank.
Family breakfast: (top row) Shanna, Amanda, Skylar, Sam, (bottom row) Me, Megan, Jeanette, Julia, Audrey

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