Tuesday, September 10, 2013

El lago existe!

    The man made lake in the park by my house was drained before I arrived in Mendoza to be cleaned. It's been empty this whole time and there has been a lot of construction going on in the empty lake to clean it and even out the ground level; there were tractors in there plowing the dirt and smoothing it out. Apparently they took 15,000 tons of trash and dirt from the bottom of the lake in the process, because it wasn't maintained for 28 years. A lot of people walk along the bottom too and ride their bikes in there.
    This weekend they started filling it again. There was supposed to be an electronic party/rave in the empty lake on Saturday night, before they started filling the lake, with techno music and DJs, but the party was actually canceled because there was a murder in the area! We read in the newspaper that the medical chief of Mendoza Hospital was murdered somewhere in the city, and because of this they canceled the lake party. It's a terrible situation, but I don't understand the correlation between the two events. I asked my host family about it, and they said there is no connection between the medical chief and the lake, but the murder caused some paranoia and they decided to cancel the fiesta. I had heard that the lake party was going to be really dangerous anyway, and had only slightly wanted to check it out just to see what was happening, but didn't really want to go get involved. But I didn't have an option to see it in the end anyway.
    So Sunday they started filling the lake, and its nice to see water instead of more dirt. Its a slow process for filling it and will take a while, but here is the progress:
Start of the filling process

Empty lago when I arrived in July

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