Friday, November 15, 2013

Sismo fuerte!

Last night around 3:20 am there was another tremor near Mendoza that registered 5.4! So far, I haven't been able to feel any of the other tremors we've had here, which has actually been quite a few, maybe 6 or more times for tremors that are actually felt on the surface. But the one last night actually rocked the house a little. I was asleep, and I think I woke up moments before from a noise outside, then all of a sudden my bed was swaying back and forth. It ended after 30 seconds, so I wandered through the rest of my house and everybody was awake and had felt it too. I was pretty awake and shocked at this point, because I've never felt anything like that in my life before. Our neighbors on the 3rd floor of an apartment building had felt it too. There were a couple aftershocks after the tremor last night, but I didn't feel those. But all night I kept thinking it was going to happen again and any time I heard a car outside I thought it was another tremor.
My host mom has a ritual when there are tremors; she goes to the back door and opens it so she can see outside and have the option to either be in the house or outside the house if need be. I'm not exactly sure what to do in the situation of an earthquake, but I'll follow her lead. Three or four years ago there was a big earthquake in Chile that was felt all the way in Mendoza, and my host mom said when she opened the back door, the water from our pool was splashing 6 feet above the surface of the pool and all the way to the back door. This was also the very first day that one of her other host students had arrived in Mendoza. I can't imagine a more frightening welcome.

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